Issue One: Soul Searching in Product

Oz Lang
2 min readMar 8, 2021

A topic germane to a lot of the teams I’ve managed or engaged with recently has been, how does one find oneself as a Product Manager? This issue is about exploring various aspects of product work(whether it be Product Managers, Product Owners, or User Experience Designers) that one encounters after a few years of doing the role. We all, at one point, ask ourselves “am I doing this as well as I should be?” and “how does this translate to my next step?”

My goal with issue one is to forego the fundamentals — there are endless pieces of literature on that available — instead, it’s to help progress the product craft through empathy on focused areas. Much as I would with my own teams over my career, I’m going to pull from my back catalog of experiences and hope that through analyzing what happened, you can take those learnings and apply them to your own career.

  • On UXD: The Importance of Being Earnest (about your Enterprise UX)
    Synopsis: User Experience is often the first area people in product want to influence, as it’s how our end users engage with our output. Doing that well involves pulling out of the mindset of “what would I want to work on”, and growing into “who am I to my users, and what does that mean for our offering?”
  • On Management/Leadership: So You’ve Accidentally Become a First Time Manager [Coming Soon!]
  • On Priorities: Prioritization Frameworks Everywhere, and not a Single Priority [Coming Soon!]
  • On Product Vision: Oops, You Got Acquired! [Coming Soon!]
  • On Hiring, Diversity, and Imposter Syndrome: A D&I on the Record [Coming Soon!]



Oz Lang

Two decades of Latinx Product leadership, at companies in the single digit millions to around $300B, leading PM, PMM, PgM and User Experience. Mostly harmless.